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How to write a travel itinerary: step by step

If you are here I guess you want to know how to write a travel itinerary. Is it too overwhelming for you? Or do you find it really time consuming? Well you are not alone, because it is.

If you lack organisational skills or maybe you don’t know where to search and what to search for and you also don’t know which costs to calculate in, keep reading.

To show you how I would write a travel itinerary, we’ll take Switzerland as an example.

Getting ideas

First thing first, you can start searching for inspiration on Pinterest and Instagram. On Instagram you can usually find official and nonofficial accounts like “visitswitzerland”. But I think pictures from small profiles are the best as usually they are less edited. Also these profiles are run by locals and they can give you great tips. Beside this, try searching for tags and places.

instagram search
instagram search
instagram search

I also ask different local bloggers/instagramers for some tips and ideas. They are usually happy to help.

pinterest search
pinterest search

On Pinterest don’t forget to slide right for different keywords that the platform proposes to you (these are the things that people mostly search for).

Old uncle Google also does its job: just google “what to do in Switzerland”. Put all of these ideas on a list. If I need more information about these sights I always check them on Youtube and blogs.

Take time for this as new ideas always come in. More that you search, more you discover.

At this stage you should have a pretty good vision about what you want to see and do.

Organising ideas

When you get enough ideas, open 2 Google maps tabs. Use the first one to search for the exact location of the sight you want to visit, in the other one put them in the desired order. Sadly you can only add up to 10 different spots. If you have more, I recommend you to divide these locations in (for example) 4 parts: north, south, west and east (so search for the exact location and put it where it belongs). This means you have to make a desired order in more parts. In the third tab just start with the last spot, so you see how many kilometers there are from the last one to the next one.

google maps

Move locations up and down to get the perfect order (when 2 spots are close to each other). Make sure to look at the map closely and be sure to check out the estimated travel time, so there will be no need to do the road twice. Also count in travel time and time to see what you’ve chosen.

Always make a screenshot or a picture of the road trip you made, as there is high chance you are going to add and delete different spots.

When you have your travel itinerary ready, you can take a step back and think: how many days do I need to see all of these? If the answer is “more than I have” than you’ll need to delete some of this destinations, if contrary, I would recommend leaving it like that or search for substitutes (in case you don’t feel like visiting a certain place, or there is a bad weather/too hot/too cold). This is because I think slow travel is the way to go: don’t stress too much! You can read more about this in my blog post about slow travel.


There are some general costs to think about.

If you are driving a car, be sure to check out the costs of roads (tolls) – this is also a thing Google maps warns you about.

google maps

Check out the standard of the country, average salary can be a good indicator of the prices. In average a teacher in Switzerland earns 87.500 CHF/year. This is 7.300 EUR per month (in Slovenia for example in average they get 2.000 EUR per month). Be sure to check out costs of food, fuel or costs of other transportation. Compare prices of accommodation (hotels, apartments, hostels …), if you are tight on budget.

Don’t forget to check out entrance prices. You can also find online tickets to purchase, so you can skip the queue (purchase only if you are sure you are visiting and if you can visit it regardless the weather).


What type of accommodation you’ll choose is up to you: Airbnb, hotel, hostels, camp, van, apartments … Be sure to write down the address and check in times, as usually you have to show up till a certain time.

So this is my way to write a travel itinery. If you have any question, leave it down below!

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