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Fronalpstock Switzerland

In August 2020 we did a roadtrip around Switzerland and Italy – the third day we stopped to see Fronalpstock in Switzerland.

Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a federal republic composed of 26 cantons. It is a landlocked country bordered by Italy, France, Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein. It is geographically divided among the Swiss Plateau, the Alps, the Jura (total 41,285 km2) and land area of 39.997 km2.


Stoos is a car free village that can be reached by the steepest funicular in the world. Fronalpstock (1.922m) is the local mountain that can be reached on foot or with one of the cable cars/chair lift. At the top you get to see an impressive panoramic of 10 lakes and mountains.

Parking and price / Stoos funicular and price

There is quite a lot of parking space that is also normaly priced. We payed around 1 CHF/hour. Depending from which side you arrive there, you’ll firstly see another non working funicular. You can park there (on the side of the road) and walk 300m. If not, you can drive another 400-500m and you’ll see a larger parking space on the opposite side of the funicular. I don’t know if the price there is the same.

You can buy tickets for the funicular online and pass the row. You can choose from:

return ticket Stoos village22 CHF / 20 EUR
Stoos peak experience ticket for 1 day46 CHF / 43 EUR
Stoos peak experience ticket for 2 – 7 days53 CHF – 78 CHF / 50 EUR – 73 EUR
daypass for dogs5 CHF / 5 EUR
bike ticket5 CHF / 5 EUR
Rounded EUR prices, August 2020

Despite prices listed above, we actually payed around 97 CHF – 90 EUR.

The funicular drives regulary (10-15min). The drive is 7 minutes long. The maximum inclination is 110% and with this, Stoos funicular holds the place of the steepest funicular in the world.

Other options

If you want to save money you can pay only for the funicular to Stoos and then hike from there to Fronalpstock.
We were actually prepared for the hike, but once the cashier asked us where we wanted to go, and we anwered to the top, at the moment we were a little bit confused and payed also for the chair lift. Oopsi. But from the pictures, the hike seems REALLY beautiful and I would recommend walking up if you want (not just to save money).


As I said, firstly you go to the funicular, you get to village Stoos and than don’t be like us, haha. There are actually 2 mountains. One is Klingenstock (LEFT) and the other one is Fronalpstock (RIGHT). You can also walk from Klingenstock to Fronalpstock. If you want to do that, turn left. If you want to hike directly to Fronalpstock, turn right. Same goes if you want to go up with the chair lift. The chair lift station isn’t visible when you exit the funicular. You have to walk 5min – the road goes down a little bit.



It depends on what path you choose. From the bottom:

  • to Fronalpstock: funicular 7min + 5min walk + 15min 2 chair lifts
  • to Fronalpstock: funicular 7min + hike time (about 2 hours) or 1 chair lift + hike time
  • to Klingenstock and Fronalpstock: funicular 7min + few min walk + 15min chair lift + 2 hours hike
The view from the chair lift to Fronalpstock.

You can visit my Instagram profile if you want to watch more videos from Switzerland and Fronalpstock in highlights.

The view

No words needed I think.

Fronalpstock Switzerland
Fronalpstock Switzerland
Fronalpstock Switzerland

Also: you can sleep in the hut on the picture above and the food they served seemed really good.

Fronalpstock Switzerland
There are some cute little goats just on the top that you can pet and feed.

Is it worth 45€?

Visiting Fronalpstock while in Switzerland was a really good decision.

The view is really stunning. 1,5h just passed by. We were walking around, taking photos, we ate a snack and watched lakes and mountains. We were suprised we spent more time enjoying the view than we needed to reach the spot.

After visiting Fronalpstock, our road trip took us to Milano and Bergamo, Citta alta. Read more here.

Other sources: stoos-muotatal.ch

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